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Thursday, December 21, 2006

Holiday Party Bounty

I had three lab-related holiday parties and a conference with a full open bar this past week. Four days of free food and free booze! And I'm going to a Hanukkah party tomorrow night and then home Saturday. The Hanukkah party is at the home of the only other Jewish girl from my high school, who, in weirdness, now lives five blocks from me.

Anyway, I did some cooking for the last holiday party, which was a potlock for the three labs on the D floor.

Peppermint bark: easy! And minty!

peppermint bark

Derby pie: bourbony! And I make a bitchin' pie crust!

derby pie

I made faux-rugelach with the leftover crust: they sort of fell apart but it was my first time and all.

pie crust rugelach

My least favorite part of living alone is not having someone to cook for. Or clean up after my culinary adventures.


Monday, December 11, 2006

More Knitting, and a Little Tim

I think I'm on a purple kick lately. To wit, my newest hat:

Haley's comet hat

and the awesome top view:

top of Haley's Comet hat

I need to stop making hats. But there are still more hat patterns I'd like to do. And alas, we're having a freakishly warm year. Damn global warming. The lack of cold almost makes me want to go home more. At least there, it still snows in October. As it should.

Speaking of home, my dad was hospitalized again as the drugs to control his heart weren't working. So they tried to shock his heart back into a normal rhythm a few times. That hasn't worked either, so they released him with more drugs and the promise of future heart-shockings. Of course, the longer his heart stays broken, bad things are more likely to happen.

And finally, I caught Tim this weekend. It is very nice to no longer have to swab rat vaingas every day! Alas, Tim was boring. I am really sick of hearing about the Iraq Study Group and if I never have to see James Baker's jowly face again, that's fine with me. And Tim's hair was not in a good state. For that, I could've gone in and done rat vaginas. Well, maybe.

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